1. First steps
First, the person you’re helping needs to decide on the type of support they need – they might want to talk about options with family or get independent legal advice.
Getting help, or helping someone else
From power of attorney to Court of Protection orders, we explain the options for getting help to manage your accounts, and what to do if you’ve been appointed to help someone else.
We’re here to give you practical guidance and support you every step of the way.
First, the person you’re helping needs to decide on the type of support they need – they might want to talk about options with family or get independent legal advice.
If you’re setting up a power of attorney or Court of Protection Order for someone, you’ll first need to set this up with the Office of the Public Guardian or apply to the courts.
Once your authority is in place, you’ll need to provide us with the documents we need.
There may be circumstances – either now or in the future – where you’ll need a bit of help with managing your money. Planning for the future can be difficult, especially when we don’t know what’s around the corner. But making sure you have the right support in place in case you’re not able to manage your money yourself could prevent lengthy – and often difficult – situations.
There are several options available, depending on the amount of help you need. Is it help with day-to-day finances, or do you need to hand over control?
In most circumstances, you’ll keep full access to your accounts. But if you’re no longer able to make decisions about your finances, you can delegate full control to someone you trust in advance.
Planning for the future can help to make sure that the people you trust can help you in an emergency.
If someone you care for becomes unwell or is taken into hospital, being able to pay bills or withdraw money on their behalf can ease stress at a difficult time.
There are a number of options available, depending on the type of support you need to give them.
Independent financial and legal advice can help you, and the person you’re caring for, put the right precautions in place for the future.
Hopefully, you’ll never need to ask someone to help you manage your money. But in case life takes an unexpected turn, we’re here to help you feel in control.
There are various options available to help with money management, both now and when planning for the future. You’ll need to decide carefully on which option works best for you.
For example, a third-party authority agreement may suit you if you want someone to help you complete basic banking transactions, like accessing cash or checking your balance.
This could be a family member or a friend, but if you’d like someone to have more control over your finances if something were to happen to you, you could appoint someone with lasting power of attorney. Other options are available, too, which we explain in more detail.
Citizens Advice has impartial information on how to manage the affairs of someone else.
We’re not able to give you any legal or financial advice, but here are details of other organisations and groups that could help.
The Office of Public Guardian
publicguardian.gov.uk or call 0300 456 0300
Age UK
ageuk.org.uk or call free on 0800 169 65 65
Mental Health Foundation
mentalhealth.org.uk or call 020 7803 1101
MIND (National Association for Mental Health)
mind.org.uk or call the advice line on 020 8519 2122
Citizens’ Advice Bureau
citizensadvice.org.uk or call 08444 111 444
British Bankers’ Association
bba.org.uk or call 020 7216 8800
Alzheimer’s Society
alzheimers.org.uk or call 0300 222 1122
Carer’s Trust
carers.org.uk or call 0844 800 4361
Friends of the Elderly
fote.org.uk or call 020 7730 8263
The Stroke Association
stroke.org.uk or call 0303 3033 100
Here we explain the options available to you, the circumstances for which each is suitable, and how to set them up.
This authority allows us to provide information only to a nominated person or company, it does not allow us to accept any instructions to make any changes to your account/s.
For this type of authority there are no ID documents are required for this level of access.
This type of authority allows us to provide information only to a nominated person or company, they have the ability to make a payment on behalf of the account holder. It does not allow us to accept any instructions to make any changes to your account/s but they can make changes to their own details such as address and contact telephone number.
For this type of access, we’ll need a proof of identity for the person you would like to give access to and proof of their address. More information of the types of proof we will accept is available in our register section
A power of attorney (PoA) is a legal document that gives someone the authority to make decisions about property and finances on someone else’s behalf. In some cases, what the attorney can and can’t do will depend on your ability to make decisions about your finances.
You must be mentally capable to give your authority to trusted individuals as attorneys.
There are different types of PoA, which we’ve explained in more detail. For us to accept your delegation, it needs to be a PoA that relates to property and financial affairs.
This type of PoA is completed through the Office of the Public Guardian. Once it’s in place, you can use it both when you’re mentally capable and incapable if
You can add instructions and preferences to the document, including when you’d like attorneys to be able to act and how they’ll do so.
This type of PoA is only valid if you’re mentally capable and
This type of PoA was in place before 1 October 2007 but has since been replaced by a lasting power of attorney. If you have one in place, you can still use it, in the same way as a lasting power of attorney.
If you lose your mental capacity, the enduring power of attorney document must be registered with the Office of Public Guardian
If you live in Scotland, there’s a Scottish Office of the Public Guardian that offers
Yes, though it’s important to consider whether you’d like them to act ‘jointly’ or ‘jointly and severally.’ This will affect how they manage your account.
Jointly – all attorneys will need to be present to carry out a transaction and they won’t be able to manage your account in Telephone Banking or Online Banking, or have a debit card for your account.
Jointly and severally – attorneys can act independently, or together. They’ll be able to manage your account in Telephone and Online Banking, and have a debit card for your account.
If you’ve been legally authorised to access someone’s account, We’ll need to see the full original or certified legal document, not just the summary page. This can be several pages long, so please make sure you send a full version of the document.
For new lasting powers of attorney registered after July 2020, we can accept your access code once you’ve created an account with gov.uk. Codes last 30 days, so make sure it hasn’t expired before you send it to us. However, if the person has specified any preferences and instructions, we’ll need to ask you for the full paper legal document
For this type of access, we need a proof of identity for the person you would like to give access to and proof of their address. More information of the types of proof we will accept is avaiilable here. Gov.uk has more information on how to certify documents.
The Court of Protection is the authority that deals with making decisions on financial or welfare matters for people who, due to mental incapacity, can no longer make those decisions themselves. It’s the proposed ‘deputy’ that applies to the court, rather than the person needing the help.
A Court of Protection order is an option if the person needing help has lost mental capacity and they don’t have a PoA, or anyone else to manage their finances. There are several reasons people may lack mental capacity, for example
Deputies are authorised by the Court of Protection to make decisions on behalf of the person needing help.
The application can be a lengthy process for deputies trying to gain access. The courts will need to make sure they’re safeguarding those people who can no longer manage or look after their own affairs. While this is in progress, we can still pay essential bills from the person’s account, as long as those bills are in their name.
If you’ve been legally authorised to access someone’s account with a Court of Protection Order, we’ll need to see the following documents:
The Guardianship (Missing Persons) Act 2017 allows the court to appoint a trusted person to be the guardian of a missing person’s property and financial affairs. The court does this by making a Guardianship (Missing Persons) Order (GMPO).
How do I apply for a GMPO?
You’ll need to apply to the Chancery Division or the Family Division of the High Court
You can learn more about each of these divisions and to see which one suits your particular circumstances at the links below:
What can a guardian do?
Subject to terms listed in the order, once appointed, a guardian can manage the missing person’s property and financial affairs, which includes:
If guardians are appointed to act jointly, they must make decisions together unanimously.
If you’ve been legally authorised to access someone’s account, we’ll need to see the following documents:
More information about the types of identity and proof of address we accept, please visit our register section. Gov.uk has more information on how to certify documents.
Once your authority is in place, you’ll need provide us with the documents we need.
If you’re registering to provide someone with information, we’ll need a copy of the Disclosure of authority form to be completed and sent to:
Barclays Partner Finance, PO Box 2501, Cardiff, CF23 0FP
If you’re registering Information and Payments, Power of attorney, Court of Protection or Missing Persons Order, we’ll need a copy of the Power of Attorney DAF form, the full original or certified legal document, not just the sumary page, proof of identity and address to be completed and sent to:
Barclays Partner Finance, PO Box 2501, Cardiff, CF23 0FP
If you would like more information about adding a third party access to your account, please contact Customer Services on 0800 15 22 888 *.
Once we receive everything we need, we’ll aim to set up your access within seven working days. If we need anything else from you, we’ll get in touch by phone.
When it’s set up, we’ll send you a letter to confirm that access has been granted and we will list everyone who has access to the account.
You’ll need to show us one document to prove your identity, and another document to prove your UK address (you can’t use the same document twice).
Note – we can’t accept statements from digital banks