
Changing your relationship with gambling

What to do if you’re worried about how much you gamble

When gambling starts to become a problem, it can affect every area of your life. Nigel found himself gradually placing more and more bets and it started to affect his family’s finances.

Read about how getting the right support helped Nigel make some positive changes. If you’re in a similar situation, you’re not alone – we’re here to help you.

Nigel’s story

When Nigel first started gambling and had a few big wins, he enjoyed himself and thought the winning streak would last.

But when he stopped winning, he increased his bets to cover what he’d lost. He soon started to lose interest in spending time with his friends and family, and even took days off work to gamble more.

Nigel started missing bill payments and getting charged, which meant there was less money for his family each month. This meant extra pressure at home, and he felt guilty about how his gambling affected his family.

Realising something had to change, Nigel got in touch with a local gambling support charity for help. They suggested finding out if we had tools to support him.

Nigel’s next steps

Nigel has a Barclays Partner Finance loan but is also a Barclays Bank customer

Nigel downloaded the Barclays app1 and used the merchant control feature to turn off card payments to gambling websites, apps and betting shops. This control has a cooling-off period – if he wants to restart his spending, he’ll need to wait 72 hours before he can do this. 

Nigel also set a spending and cash withdrawal limit on his cards to help him feel in control of his finances again.

To help him keep his family finances on track, Nigel used the spending feature in the app. It showed him exactly where his money was going and helped him set realistic budgets.

Contact us

Worried you’ll miss a payment, or missed a payment and want to catch up?

Help is always at hand. As soon as you think you might have some financial difficulties, give us a call – it could help make things better.

Have some information about your financial situation ready, before you call, including your income and outgoings. You might be talking for a while – we’ll want to understand your situation in detail, so make sure you set aside some time.

Call Barclays Financial Assistance team on 0800 16 15 260 * (landline) / 0333 202 7894 (mobile). Our line is free of charge

Open 8am-8pm Monday to Friday 
And 9am-3pm on Saturday 
Or write to us at Barclays Partner Finance, PO Box 2501, Cardiff, CF23 0FP

Extra support

 GamCare logo


Confidential, non-judgemental support and access to free self-help resources.

Money Advice Service logo


Free tools and impartial information to help you manage your money.

Citizens Advice logo

Citizens Advice

Free online advice to help you find a way forward, whatever the problem.

National Debtline logo

National Debtline

Free advice, tools and fact sheets to help you deal with your debt.

The information contained in this article is for general information purposes only and is not intended to constitute financial advice. Please seek independent professional advice relevant to your circumstances. Barclays does not accept any liability for any losses as a result of relying on the information contained in this article. The accuracy or completeness of any information herein which is stated to have been obtained from or is based upon any third party sources is not guaranteed by Barclays. All opinions and estimates are given as of the date of publishing.