You can call us on 0800 1522 888 to speak directly to a dedicated customer service adviser.
What we’ll do next
Once you’ve notified us, we’ll make the process of closing the accounts as smooth as possible.
However you choose to contact us, you’ll only need the person’s name, address and date of birth to notify us of their death.
You can call us on 0800 1522 888 to speak directly to a dedicated customer service adviser.
You can write to us at
BPF Bereavement Team
PO Box 2501
Cardiff, CF23 0FP
Please add your 16 digit account number to any documents you send us.
What we’ll do next
Once you’ve told us about the person’s death, we’ll stop any further communications to the account holder. It takes a short time to arrange this, so you might receive letters addressed to them in the meantime. We’re very sorry for any distress this causes.
We'll freeze any BPF accounts that are in the deceased’s name and suspend all Direct Debits. You may need to contact the bank to cancel any standing orders that may be in place.
We’ll aim to make the whole process of closing the accounts as easy as possible for you.
Documents we’ll need to close the account
You can send these documents by post– we’ll make photocopies and return the originals to you.
1. Proof of Death
This is the certified copy of the death certificate provided by the registrar. We also accept interim death certificates and coroner’s certificates.
2. Proof of your identity
You’ll need to show one of the following:
3. Grant of Probate (Confirmation in Scotland) or Letters of Administration
If we need this, we’ll let you know.
Closing other Barclays accounts and services
If you would like more information about how bereavement impacts other Barclays products and services please visit
Life after loss
We’ll give you practical help to get you through the first weeks and months following a bereavement, and tell you about free services that can help you cope with your loss.
Jargon buster
Check our glossary for an explanation of any legal terms you’re unfamiliar with.